Painting, Illustration and Design

Gallery room 9:  Artistic greeting cards




Each handmade greeting card is unique (f.e.the "Trauerkarte") and costs 3,80 € per card with envelope.

The "Fotodruckkarten"  are prints of different works from various working periodsAll cards are double faces cards, with the large motive on the front  and a tiny on the back. Inside the card is nearly white. Each card is in an lined envelope and costs  2,50 €  in the size of 14x10 cm,  and 3,00 € in the size of 21x10,5 cm. The minimum lot to be ordered is 10 cards, may be from different motives, additionally postage and packing.

Please click on a foto icon to get a larger view and more detailed informations. The original cards are without
copyright marks , of course. 

Samples for handmade cards and "Fotodruckkarten"
Trauerkarte Unikat

Fotodruckkarten im Normalformat

Fotodruckkarte Großformat, aufgeklappt,
Vorder- und Rückseite

Fotodruckkarte Normalformat hoch, aufgeklappt, Vorder- und Rückseite

Fotodruckkarte Normalformat quer, aufgeklappt,
Vorder- und Rückseite

Fotodruckkarte Großformat quer, aufgeklappt,



Currently these cards in size 14x10 cm are available



"Marché aux Puces"

"Puppe im blauen Salon"





"Tautropfen im Paradies"

"Columbine der Träume"

"Nimm mich mit auf die Reise der Träume"


"Das magische Auge"




"Der Fisch"

"Canale Grande"
"Der goldene Weg"

"Buch des Lebens"


"Puppe Lotte - klein"
"Puppe Lotte"

"Hummer - normal" aufgeklappt

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